Thursday, December 11, 2008

Marvin Feezor

What is the latest on his case?


  1. Hi joe, Be Safe and Humbleweed seem to have the inside scoop on this. Sound like he did not show up for the hearing and his attorney made a call. They scheduled it for trial. MSK

  2. you know, no one should pick on this man for having to go to court. many people go to court for something or another every week so why focus on this poor guy? if you want to address court dates you should post them all. if you were this guy or family how would you feel having his name put to shame for nothing?
    innocent until proven guilty.

  3. It's not a private trial. Any of us can go if we want to, which is why I want to know when it is.

    As far as his guilt, I understand your position, and without a trial, I can't say with a 100% certainty that he is guilty, THIS TIME. But I can say with 100% certainty that he has been guilty of this type of action before and has got away with it due to the exact reasons humbleweed and Joe Lyn have stated in other posts. The women are embarrassed, scared to come forward, etc.

    I don't believe shame is in his range of feelings, but if there is any shared by his family, it is only brought on by his actions, not ours. I have stood up for him when he was accused in the past, thinking that I knew him and that he wouldn't do that sort of thing, only to be burned by him myself.

    In no way, shape or form, should the words "poor guy" be used to describe him. He needs to stand trial, be subject to public humility, and forced to sleep in the bed he has made.

    Not a Marvin fan

  4. It is kind of like OJ. You know he does these things and then when he gets caught he is so sorry and will write a letter of apology but he really is only sorry for himself. Sorry he got caught. You know, if I was arrested for such a crime I would not come out of my house, probably would move away. Not him. Saw him the other day and it was if nothing had happen. Just my opinion, MSK

  5. the court date will be after the new year because they are in the process of changing judges..clearing one docket for the one leaving and this trial will be on the new judges docket in january.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. oh by the way, its ok to delete my comment. I thoroughly understand. I was out of bounds or in bounds, I don't know.

  8. I don't understand what it is you are trying to say.....

  9. joe jackson, I apologize greatly. I meant this terrible comment to another person on the list. It was sarcastic and I'm humiliated. I'm asking forgiveness. I meant my comment to another person, which years before he ever came to his Ulysses position, his bldg harbored another man who got his jollies from the opposite sex. I am so thankful I cought my mistake minutes after I made it and was able to erase it. Since humbleweeds experience, I've hadn't any tolerance for men in positions to make women feel like the scum of the earth. Mrs G., to you also, I'm humbly apologizing and pray you didn't witness my comment to the wrong person.

  10. consider it forgiven. We've all made mistakes before that we would like to take back.

  11. joy lyn, I have a question, do you drink to much whiskey? you are always saying sorry I didnt mean that stuff I really didnt! some things I put in here are caused by the drunkeness so itS okay

  12. Red Man, I do not drink except an occasional margarita at Applebees every year or so. I don't know what you are getting at. That I'm so drunk I say things I didn't realize I said. NO Way. What I said that I deleted was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but I didn't want to hurt anyone listed on this blog. I have hurts also. I've held them back for years and years. when Humbleweed broke down in tears, my anger returned in a vengence. So, no I do not drink, smoke, smoke pot, just an asperin occasionally. I don't judge others for drinking unless they are driving. Please just let the deletes go. They were meant for an innocent person that hasn't a clue what I was talking about before he ever even prob. heard of Ulysses. OK. joy ps, I've had a habit of saying sorry all my life. If you had sisters like I had, you would say sorry all the time also.

  13. Red Man, thanks for even noticing my habit of saying sorry for even living. joy

  14. By the way, if Marvin is guilty, why not report it. If I hadn't have had my article in all the SW newspapers, many women could have committed suicide. Letters and more letters thanked me for what i did. It was literally hell for me, but it gave them hope and confidence. I do feel for Marvin in a way if he isn't guilty, but the way tumbleweed is reactng, it can't be a farce........Get me another margarita, please, Red Man. ha

  15. thank you for your support. i am still waiting for the court date to be set, the hearing to schedule the actual court date will be sometime in the first week of january. Hurry up and wait---feel like i'm back in the is still very hard to go about town like normal because i know people are talking about it, but i will bear the humiliation to prevent it from happening ever again....

  16. to joejackson
    would you kindly share your knowledge with me about the "I can say with 100% certainty that he has been guilty of this type of action before " i am looking for any other victims and/or info on this man to strengthen my case. i don't want my coming forward to be in vain. anyone please feel free to emailme at if anyone would like to contribute or just offer advice. thanks

  17. to joy lyn
    how did you get your story out? thanks

  18. Hi Joe, I would like to know also. As a group we can make sure that Marvin does Not Violate again. MSK

  19. thank you patriot and everyone for your support.

  20. humbleweed, I hired an attorney to bring a law suit against this idiot of a dr. I went to for help from the intense pain of my childhood abuse issues, yet he, himself used my pain I was suffering with, to sexually abuse me further. I was terrified I would make a fool of myself if I went after him, yet I wanted him to suffer for hurting me even more. My attorney filed all sorts of papers with the Finney county court and the Grant county court and this is where the newspapers got hold of the information. When it made all the newspapers in SW KS, all the women he had molested in the worst ways also, got ahold of my attorney and wanted to help but like me, was afraid what their family, friends would think of them. I also recd letters from women also. Get an excellent attorney and make this guy pay for the torment he has put you through. Don't settle for using our county attorny, hire an attorney that is experienced in this kind of case. I could be wrong. I'm not a lawyer. After all these years I still have bouts with the ptsd he caused me. Please get therapy. Please. Joy

  21. By the way, Red Man, I'm totally not sorry for speaking out against this so called poor man you seem to support. I'm totally proud that I can finally say, I had the courage to share my story with humbleweed. You are the one that needs to say "I'm Sorry" to humbleweed for not believing in her. She was hurting when she confided to all of us on this post about her sincere pain that this man inflicted on not only her, yet it seems there are others. I understand the courage it took her to share her fear and pain with all of us. The statistics of perpetrators in Ulysses are not just listed as child sex offendors, but also on the KS BD of Healing Arts. Wise up, they are every where. Not only as a business owner, not only in the police dept., but also in the medical field. Anyone that has been hurt in this way is always on guard 24/7. Red Man, just start on the internet and you can find out information that will shock your socks off and YES, right here in this wonderfully, perfect little town of Ulysses. Women have to watch every step they take, behind them, before them, and all around them. I'm so very much not sorry for this post. JOY

  22. i believe this guy does what you guys have said
