Friday, January 9, 2009

oil companies

who else thinks the price of gas dropped so it would bankrupt the ethanol industry? the smaller plants around will go under and be bought out by the large worldwide corporations and with democrats controlling the govt. they will be making ethanol and other renewable fuel for the rest of forever anyway, but I think that was the goal of the sharp changes in the price of gas


  1. so then why has it jumped up 23 cents in the last 3 days

  2. could it be we are seeing a new president?

  3. I realy dont know the cause of the deprression but I know it has more to do with bush than obama, who has not even been sworn in yet, I hope to god he sticks with it and makes biofuels a thing of the furture for us in kansas fo-show

  4. Oil prices have jumped because of th mideast war between Isreal and Hamas. It is all in the people who speculate prices on the market. MSK

  5. Do you think, as we become more energy efficient in the US, that we can tell the oil countries to stick it? It was on the news that Jetmore had enough electricity wind generators to take care of their county. Plus, the car that was shown a while back that didn't run on gas, yet was very officient. Everything is controlled amongst the super rich and the greedy politicians and lawyers. Look at that crook Barnie fife or mae or? and hes thumbed the public, by getting away with cheating the Am. people. We've always known this. Look at Ill. and the statement that stupid governor is making to the country. Don't get me started. I'm still upset that McCain didn't drill it into the country about Obamas contemptuous past hystory. But, alas, I will try to support this new administration. joy

  6. well I heard in a speech obama did at some factory in ohio that he is going to double the renewable energy mandate that is going along way in helping out this part of the country for sure
