Thursday, February 12, 2009

is joy full of it?


  1. RED MAN, I assume you are making fun of me with that humorous question. May I ask what is up your butt irritating you to always gig me.Try taking EXLAX. Are you so intelligent that the rest of us aren't in the same calibur as you. Oh my!

    s__t!!! I noticed our poopy pond has risen so we need to applaud you for your personal share of excessive bath room visits flushing all your personal crapt on down the line. Maybe the city could put you on the payroll. I do apologize to everyone for my sarcasm and that one bad word. And to RedMan if you meant that remark to be nice, I'll think about apologizing to you. JOY!!!!!

  2. Now you did it Redman. You got her mad. I'll let you two fight it out. MSK

  3. I live in the country so your shit ponds are filling up because you are full of it. those two paragraphs you wrote make me think you are even more full of it.

  4. also, it all comes out in the end, I am sure your supper has turned to shit by now

  5. Red Man-What have you been smoking? All of a sudden you go whacko on me. WHY!! I have better things to do with my time and opinions than to spend it blogging with an idiot. So there. Shove it. Stick it. Plug it too if you can reach your special place. If you think I'm an idiot then don't read my posts. You sure don't show any intelligence with your's. Thanks for your sincere compliments.

    You seem to have a negative attitude to everyone on here. So lets take a poll? Me to shut up or for you to shut up. NO-Then we wouldn't have your posts to make fun of. Ha Ha Ha. Joy

  6. Ps Ps Ps. I don't believe in treating people with hate or discontent. I don't believe in bad words. I believe in treating others as I would like to be treated. So I'm going to humble myself and apologize for my posts to you. You can remain the dog of the Ulysses topics all by your lonesome. Ok. Joy

  7. Red Man, I went back to the article on Dimmits Oil getting shut down and you even wanted to talk to me personally. You said I sounded interesting. What happened to start bashing me????? Joy

    The End of this story!!!!!!

  8. well you sure did waste alot of time on all that nonsense. I guess I should have worded it better for you. I meant are you full of it when you are talking about this posse comitatus thing sorry that you had to get all crazy about it, and I am smoking the same stuff I have been smoking for years now.
