Saturday, April 18, 2009

What ever happened to the Marvin deal?

If I remember correctly, his trial is coming up soon. Anyone know any more details on this?


  1. I have not heard anything. It will probably be swept under the rug.

  2. I've tried to get humbleweed to post again to us, esp about that crazy atty she has representing her. Even Robins uncle thinks she isn't up to snuff. Its as if Humbleweed is having a hard time with what happened to her and doesn't want to address it or is ashamed to talk about it. This kind of abuse to a woman can do havic to our thoughts and self image. I pray she realizes that we care for her, support her and would be at the trial standing with her if she would open up to all of us. Yeah we are risking our identitys but oh well. Its so worth it to help her get through this. Been there, done it, only worse. I want her to get an atty that is out for blood for people that cause this kind of extreme pain that takes years of therapy to overcome and to get your self esteem back. Humbleweed, if you are keeping in touch with this blog, plese know we care. JOY

  3. thank you for your concern. if you would like to contact me privately, you can at

  4. Thank you, humbleweed. Joy
