Wednesday, November 5, 2008

how bout that obama!!!

I had a good feeling this morning and it turned out right. I am completely relieved that obama won I cant wait for him to take office how about you?


  1. I think in about a year, you'll be wishing you never heard of Obama.

  2. Last night was the beginning of a dark time for he United States but now is not the time for Republicans to curl up in the fetal position and cry like babies. That was last night. Now we have to stand strong and rebuild party. We have to build the infrastructure in these states that can inspire votes and bring on new republicans. We have to beat them at their own game. A game which by the way used to be our game. We have to donate time and money, if we have any left in four years, or we will have 8 years of Obama.

    The Democrats idea of bi-partisanship is when the Republicans bend over, take it in the rear and then do it the liberal way. Now that they are in power in both houses and the White House we need to make sure we keep the few representatives we have left on the Hill headed in the right direction. The one bright spot was that Dems didn't get that 60 seat majority in the senate and Reps. can still block really left wing radical ideas from getting to Obama desk.

    I also believe that Obama is going to be hit with reality when he walks in the White House door and he is going to realize that he can not do all the things he wants to do. This will anger many on the left who think he is going to pay their mortage, fill up their gas tank, pay for their kids college and all ther health insurance. Those hypnotized liberal zombies are going to be wondering what happened to their Messiah. What the movie the Omega Code. It is very much like what is happening.

    We have to suck it up and stand out ground. Familiarize yourselves with Republican and Democrat poliicies so you can intelligently argue you point and win over converts.

    Good Luck, we will all need it.


  3. Like I said, countless times. Who in their right mind wants to be President of this country, in the shape that it is in?

  4. Politicians are a whole other breed of person. They live and thrive on this kind of thing. We will see what happens.


  5. and pray. Even those of us who don't believe in a higher power.

  6. Well, I give him 90 days then it is over for him.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What do you mean, Redman? I just that the Dems have plans to borrow $900 billion in the next 20 weeks for stimulus. One of the items is going tobe a check from the government every January. MSK

  9. I am sure you over shot your figure. tell me how much george W. bush borrowed to give every american a check back because the govt had to much money, do you remember that he started his deficit to borrow money to pay taxpayers back because they supposedly paid to many taxes? if they had payed so much in taxes why did he haave to burrow so much money to "pay them back?" did you forget already?

  10. Are you alking aout that first stimulus package a few months ago or the Bush tax cuts? I disagreed with the first stimulus package and the one they are planning now. I also disagree with bank bailouts and the bailouts they are planning. This is a free market, bad businesses should be allowed to fail and they will come back leaner and meaner or they will be bought up by someone who can make them better. As for the Bush tax cuts, those actually generated more federal revenue than a tax increase would have.

    Look Redman, I will not defend Bush blindly. He made alot of mistakes. A whole lot of them. MSK

  11. I agree w Red Man. I remember us all getting checks when he first came into office... And then the stimulus checks. Which did nothing but buy swimming pools from walmart for the welfare's, and prolong the inevitable. But that is what u get for electing a Texan oil baron, fighter pilot, into office what did u expect. And as for Obama, give him a chance. Honestly, who else has ever came from where we are? He grew up in the exact same environment that we all have.. He might be that breathe of fresh air we have been looking for. Don't be so quick to judge. Not like him, that is fine. But accuse him of the down fall of our nation?!? Excuse me fellas, but I believe that is George Bush Jr.. HEELLLOOO.. lol
    (by the by.. missed u guys! :)

  12. Welcome back cowgirl. I hope and pray Obama does the right things and get this country back on track, but the downfall to this point can not be all blamed on Bush. There were Senators and congressmen from both parties over the years. It is a government failure.

    I watch the TV and now all the liberal politicians, pundants and commentators are all calling for unity and peace and stating we should all work with Obama. Now that they have their man in there. Where was this attiude towards Bush?

    We will see. Obama has made so many promises, Left, Right and Center it will be hard for him to keep everyone happy. Liberal groups like Move on and others who backed and financed Obama are already telling him what they want in payment. If he goes along he will over reach and this country will lurch hard left.



  13. what I am talking about was when bush first took office and had to borrow money to pay back people for paying taxes. it happened very early in his first term

  14. I missed that one. Sorry. Nothing surprises me. Heck, Hank Paulsen held a news conference yesterday and completetly changed the rules for how he would spend the bail out money. Now all the politicians are crying foul because someone duped them. They are all criminals. MSK

  15. What upset me with Bush is why did he borrow money from China? Aren't they the ones that tried to poison our pets and the toys that could have killed our children? Brainy, I bet its less than a year. Will he have the same fate as Jack Kennedy. I pray not, but on the view there were 2 women who had a way for prodicting which I don't believe in, but one said O. wouldn't be there to run for a 2nd term.??????

  16. Dumb question, but did anyone ever hear whether Ob. went to his grandmothers funeral days after the election. You would think it would make news. I didn't and thought it was odd. Right before the election, he had word she was very sick. Was this for sympathy votes? Then you seen pic's of him pacing a sidewalk. Am I the only one that looks at all the cracks.
