Thursday, November 20, 2008

no right to violate

subject: Marvin Feezor -- incident: sexual battery date: nov. 7, 2008 -a customer went there to discuss payment arrangements for a bill. >she was then fondled on her breast and rear end and touched several times inappropriately.filed formal charges at the LEC. an officer then took down her notorized statement. she is coming forward so that it never happens to anyone else's loved one. she would like to remain anonymous but alot of people already know about this and it is all public record. so please ulysses, be careful.


  1. Hi Please, was he charged with Sexual Battery. Was that what the warrant in the paper was for? $2500 seems kind of low for that serious of a charge. Who were theother women and what did he do to them? MSK

  2. i will need to contact the victims i know of and get their permission to post anything for the sake of their family and their privacy. the warrant was for sexual battery and i am not sure why it was that specific amount, but i am pretty sure it can be found out at the courthouse because it public record. thank you for you interest.

  3. Mr Feezor is innocent until found guilty but I believe that based on the number of women that have reported this and the fact that he was arrested on a warrant that it is probably true. If he found guilty and is unrepentant about his act that the people of this city should boycott his business. We must show intolerance to these kinds of acts. MSK

  4. The first I heard of his sexual problem was on Uly. topics and they called it a narcissistic personality problem that could become a seriously potential ticking time bomb and hinted it has happened before. I don't care what its called, it needs to stop before he causes serious emotional problems to women. Since it's a condition that needs pychiatric help, then why hasn't he gotten it before when it first happened. Its definately a problem that will not go away and he needs inpatient long term help? Does everyone think jail time will cure the problem?? NOT! Boycotting his business will hurt innocent people relying on paychecks, yet if he doesn't admit his problem and get inpatient help, then boycott his business.I haven't any patience with men that take advantage of women no matter what the problem. joy

  5. Are there too many men in authority positions taking advantage of young or older women? Just a quick question. Marvin got arrested, yet a well know policeman has a reputation of molesting young gals, following women, etc. and he gets away with it. How long will this be allowed to go on????????

  6. Joy, I can't argue with your second post. That is why I decided to take these guys on four years ago. It's called Hubris. Lonnie Lee had it, Lance has now and Alan Olson definitely has it. They pass it on to their by letting them get away with these things also. We as a community need to stand up against and say NO MORE.

    Now for your first post. Maybe it is a disease. But have you considered he might just be a pervert. They do exist. Many would argue that alot of perverts have a mental disorder and maybe they do but many of them get locked up and get treatment. Lets say he is sick and needs help, then that is what his lawyers goal should be but it does not appear to be that way. He's fighting the charges and seeks to get aquitted. If he is found not guilty he may not get help and may hurt another woman. I was contacted by one of the victims and she seems to have suffered alot of physcological trauma from her incident.

    I would like Marshall's take on this.
    Oh Marshall, where for art though.


  7. Patriot, thank you for your comment. I'm all for Marvin taking a hike out of Ulysses to an inpatient psch ward for a long time. If he doesn't admit he needs help, then he needs to go to jail. Any woman that is a sexual victim will suffer pychological trauma and it takes a lot of therapy to see herself as worthy to even live in certain instances. It can cause P.T.S.D. which is a living hell because I've been there and still at times it hits me all over again, and do NOT want to see any woman suffer from this or have to be a victim from a man that thinks its a joke. It is time to stand up to these men and SAY NO MORE. I'm totally upset with our police dept. and these men thinking its ok to do the same thing but be protected since they wear a badge. You have to live this kind of trauma to understand it. I wanted to kill the prominent man that hurt me, but I was stopped in the nick of time. I didn't realize I had this kind of rage inside of me, but after 6 yrs of intense therapy, I finally realized it wasn't my fault. I still say they should be hung by their private parts on main st. joy

  8. Learning to trust someone takes time; but once that trust is violated it forever changes your life. Just going into public stores that you once never thought twice about going in alone, your whole outlook changes, you all of a sudden check to see where the exits are, you see every man as a potential threat; you are constantly looking over your shoulder and heaven forbid someone walks up behind you and you don’t hear them coming……it causes panic attacks that make you feel nervous and anxious all the time. You have a very difficult time being alone with ANYONE of the opposite sex; and worst of all you feel like it was all your fault. You don’t want to cause distress to your friends and family members by coming forward, but at the same time you don’t want it to keep happening to someone else; you want to be brave but are afraid of being ridiculed “she isn’t even pretty”…you feel dirty and can’t stand to be touched. But for the sake of every female out there, you “pull up your big girl panties” and go to the police. You subject yourself to public speculation and judgment and pray for justice…….a victim.

  9. CORRECTION....ending should read "from a victim" meaning the post. thanks.

  10. Let's watch this case and see what happens. Hopefully safe2008 wil keep us posted on the proceedings. Meanwhile I think we should all talk to the women and children in our lives about these kind of situations and how to handle them. We can all learn from safe2008, humbleweed and Joy. Thank you ladies. MSK

  11. court date for first hearing is Dec. 3 at 2:30, open to the public....i know any support would be appreciated. thank you.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. joylyn....thank you for your words of encouragement. i do plan on seeing this through. i have my husbands support and my family and friends....and after the court date today, everyone will know who i am. i am doing this for the future possible victims--and i want to be a good role model for my daughter. if this ever happened to her, i would want her to have the courage to come forward. this man is very highly respected especially in the church community and i am scared out of my mind, but wish me luck.

  14. Please let us know what happens. You have support here also and Friends. MSK

  15. i will keep you all posted; cannot thank you all enough for your support. i have tears in my eyes typing this because i have felt alone and even when i walk into someplace, i feel like veryone knows and i feel embarrassed and humilliated; sometimes i get looks of hate and disgust but mostly they look at me like i am some freak. all of your support has given me so much courage that i can stare right back at them. i know i am not wrong and this has to stop. please say a prayer for me today. thank you again......

  16. HERE WE GO...just got a call from the CA, his lawyer could not be here today??!! so they are "making a journal entry of some kind for the initial appearance" and will let me know when the trial will begin so i am assuming he is pleading not guilty. ugggh, i was sooo ready to go face him too. anyhow, thanks again for all of your support and i will keep you all posted as soon as i know more.

  17. humbleweed, I feel your pain! I'm ashamed for deleting my story earlier, but I still feel the effects of my abuse and my tears are also for deleting my story and for my shame I still carry. I also had the fear I would be asked to leave this blog because of what I wrote. My tears now are only for you. I don't want you to live through what I lived through. Like you, I went to my family and told them what this man of authority did to me. They said, "get him, MOM". I got an attorney that could handle my case. he filed papers against him, when it hit the SW KS news, the story was so graphic and embarassing. I felt so little and so ashamed. Like you, it was so painful to go into even a grocery store because I knew people were making fun of me. Good news, is sooo many other victims seen the SW KS news and wrote me letters of encouragement, called my attorney to help, but were like I was in the beginning, scared to come forward against this monster. I got him and got him good. His license is no more. God walked me through this embarassment, and God brought these women to me to let me know I wasn't the only victim. I carry the badge of courage God gave me with me daily. Thank God I was able to bring him down so he couldn't hurt others. I'm PROUD of YOU. I know what you feel right now and pray God Will Stand By and With you. It takes all the courage God can give YOU to stand up against men like this. God will bring you justice. Stand strong and know ALL of US are with you. If anyone makes you feel disgust, its THEIR problem, not yours!!!!! Joy

  18. Watch the County Attorney like a hawk. This is the point when she will drop the ball and plead it out to a disorderly conduct or jaywalking.


  19. Humbleweed...I was out of town for a few days, yet you were on my mind constantly. Its as if my past came blasting forward, yet my compassion is wanting to be able to walk side by side with you, watching you hold your head up, being proud of the strength you are showing yourself and other women by SAYING NO MORE. I know I speak for all of us of the pride we feel for you. My prayers to God are for justice for you and for the CA to "as Patriot said" not to drop the ball. joy

  20. thank you joy and everyone else. i will keep you all posted with updates.
