Friday, October 24, 2008

Article in Uly. News

Has everyone read the managing editors article in the Ulysses News about not being able to get a job unless bi-lingual? It's very eye opening esp for WE THE PEOPLE, that are needing a job in Ulysses. She is Spanish "only by marriage, yet was in an interview for a job opening AND met all the qualifications until that "last dreaded question": Do you speak Spanish? She didn't speak Spanish. Then they told her they didn't have a position at that time. She mentioned to please explain it to her that to become a U.S. citizen, you have to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in English, yet the business people cater to people who can't speak English. Is this what our country is coming to. Why do the candidates not bring the illegal problem up as an important issue of our country? After all, it is proved our deficit is caused by taking care of illegals: their food stamps, their medications, their doctor appts,their hospital stay, esp for having more babies, free food on main street and at the Mexican American Ministries. And the fact when they do come to the Methodist Church for free food, they are all driving brand new Svu's etc. Come check this fact out every Thursday. Even if your husband was hurt on the job, maybe you can't find a job as a wife, you have nothing coming in to support your family, you still can't qualify for SRS help. They won't even help a white mother with children that the dad walked out on unless you aren't white. What is going on in America. Is this what our forfathers faught for at Valley Forge. Go to Philadelphia and see the Liberty Bell and how many police are guarding it, or the Constitution Center. I was so proud when I visited all of these places to call myself an American. I'm so sad for my country and esp for the politicians that are ruining our rights. This a.m. our stock market plunged again. Why? Ask your congressmen, I did and I will continue until the election to bug them and be a thorn in their sides. It was brought to my attention today, that a friend called CBN about them covering Obama's visit to Hawaii to see his sick Grandmother and "they didn't have a clue what she was talking about." !!!Is she really sick or is it another of his gimics he has a sack full of. Am I the only person that is sick or should I say ashamed, over what our great country has became?


  1. I agree 100% that it is wrong to have that for a requirement. If the customer can't speak english then they need to bring in a translator or learn english themselves. I have never agreed with us having to learn their language to get a job in america.

  2. how about golden corral in garden? I havent been in there for awhile but it used to have on old white lady working at the cash register and the rest couldnt speak english for crap. and all the signs around the kitchen were written in spanish

  3. Brainy, thank you for your comment. I'm kind of shy and don't feel I should have an opinion. And esp. comments to my opinion. I get carried away at times esp. at election time. I experienced a stay in a hospital and my room-mate was illegal. She got the special attention, yet I wasn't in the hospital for fun. I ended up getting up, helping this gal many times because she hadn't a clue how to call a nurse. She tried to go to the b.r. but too weak and ended up using the trash can. I didn't mind being kind to her, but what ticked me off, they brought in an interpreter on top of the hosp. stay, at the taxpayers expense to help her. Spanish families are very close, and if one is sick every generation alive will come to be with the patient. I was terribly offended to the point I called the hosp. adm. to ask for help. The room was so full, and the spanish language flowing loud and non stop, was so bother-some to me, and my little space couldn't hold my own hubby. They did put a limit on the visitors. Thank God. Couldn't even see my tv. Sorry for complaining, Joy- ps sorry so long.

  4. I would of complained alot until either I was moved or she was. There is no since in that. I used to try to be polite but have gotten used to being a little rude every once in a while. What makes me mad is when I am at walmart and their whole family blocks an aisle, I say excuse me, they just look at me, so I bump them and say it louder. It works everytime.

  5. well its nice to know all you guys are white rascists thanks for the info. when I am in the hospital my whole family is coming and if you dont like that you can move yourself you have the choice

  6. The only thing I have to say to that is, you need to have respect for other people and treat them the way that you want to be treated. If I'm in the hosptial and sharing a room with someone else I would have the decency to tell my family to leave if I felt there was 2 many in there and it was annoying the other person. But I'm not as ass like alot of people are.

  7. Redman, any way you look at it your comment about brainy being an ass could just need deleting. I thought we were to treat each other with a tad of respect on here. Your statement just made your ass as big as this blog. Whoops, did I just say this?

  8. brainy said he is not an ass like alot of people are, when he is the ass that whines and cries. and I defended myself

  9. pisses me off when people of ANY color act like they own a place! I'm with you brainy! I have no problem with big family get together, but, what gives them the right to take over public spaces?! Visit, move over to let people pass. I move my kids when someone is coming. My mom did it to me! The hospital thing, I would have been moved to a new room when she shit in the trash can! F#@K that! YUCK! LOL

  10. A person in the hospital is too sick to have tons of company no matter the race.I DID call the hosp. admn. and let him know, I was sick and tired of the indeceincy of giving the better treatment to an illegal that I, end the end, would be responsible for their bill, but the fact that I, as a patient needed my rest from tons of visitors yapping their heads off in Spanish. I feel, in America, speak English, in Mexico, speak Spanish, etc. Off my subject, but also the loud music that shakes my home at 2 a.m. most nights is that Spanish crapty music. Oio, oio oio.

  11. English should be the official language of the United States. It is the language of success. The immigration question for both candiates is too hot. Democrats want to let all the illegals over here because they are potential democratic voters but don't want to anger the white voters. McCain is just dead wrong on this. All of the major industrialized nations of this world have closed borders. You can not freely walk across them without being checked but Mexico wants us to have open borders. Mexico has closed borders on theor souther side. They do not let people who are not citizens of that country own land their. They are corrupt and keep their people poor.

    Close the border and make people follow the leagl path to get in here. Make English the official language of the U.S.

  12. redman, when did I whine and cry? I'm just giving my opinion. This should be an english speaking country.

  13. How about when they don't hire people that want to work and hire the people who wish to do nothing? Or when you are more educated than the bosses themselves?

  14. Red man, again, I'm after you on your comment. Does your family consist of 25 plus people in one little hosp. room. If this is being white racist, please go back and read your remark about Golden Correl. joy
