Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More break ins

Does anyone know anything about the breakins on main street this past weekend?


  1. I heard it was the Health Dept, the barber Shop and the Moore Agency. There maybe one more. I have been hearing rumors about maybe a Razz Employee or two being involved. MSK

  2. wow, if that's true about a Razz employee, that's just plain crazy. I figured it would be a couple of kids.

  3. Think about it. None of the items have shown up anywhere, pawn shops and so on, or here in town. Most of these Razz guys are from down south. Alabama, Georgia. Plus one thing is true, either the robbers are really good or the cops are really bad. MSK

  4. I have been scanning the other topix's and see guerita is knocking people for accussing cops of stalking high school girls. I know for a fact that two of them have done some very unprofessional things with young girls. I have reported one and tried to follow up with the authorities and they will not respond. Hopefully I will address this in a news letter next week. I will let you all in on it ahead of time.


  5. We shouldn't just blame out of towners. That is kinda what the ole' locals always do.

  6. If they dont get caught in the act I doubt they will get caught

  7. Even if they do, what will really happen to them?

  8. My hubby was getting a hair cut when he found out. They broke into the barber shop, the health dept. across the street and a couple other stores. He said they kicked in his back door. We need the laws of the old west. Hang em. at town square and people will think twice about comminting crime.

  9. I hate to say it but it is going on. I have my ways of finding out whats going on esp with the big cop. He is really widely known for stocking gals. Why don't they fire his butt. Its not even news anymore. Its been going on for years. Why can't we come off the topix and all gang together and clean up this town. The sheriff isn't going to.

  10. Joy, I have info he stalked a girl at the JJ Oil station. She is married and moved away now but when it happened he reportedly hung out there quite often and would pick her up in the air and when he did he would his hand in her crotch area. She was scared of him and told her father. I have emailed him and he will not return my emails. Anyone interested in talking to him? MSK

  11. Love to have his email address. I'm in a difficult position to confront him personally, because it might harm a loved ones job, but I sure would like to email him. He wouldn't recognize my email. I'm a victom and I know what it does to a woman. Anger doesn't cover the feelings I have for men like him. I do not understand why, with his history, he is not hung by his privates on main street. After all, remember what happened to a famous lawyer in town that got caught cheating on his wife. Funny.

  12. Sorry for judging this man. Judge not lest yee be judged. I have a tough time when it comes to this subject. Brings out the very worse in me. joy

  13. She has a bad anger management problem. With her accomplishments she said she has done with her life, how does she get by with spewing anger in her job without getting fired. Just a thought. I wish her well and pray she will seek help with whatever is causing her hatred problem. Joy
