Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for the Ulysses PD
I have received information that there is a lawsuit coming soon for the Ulysses Police Department. I have not confirmed this yet but am working on it. I will post the details when I get them. MSK
I apoligize. I had the SO. It is the PD. and I have confirmed an incident involving a city police officer and a woman from out of state during a traffic stop. Will let you know when I have more. MSK
I apoligize. I had the SO. It is the PD. and I have confirmed an incident involving a city police officer and a woman from out of state during a traffic stop. Will let you know when I have more. MSK
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Reviving the Lake Issue
Well, I thought I would bring this back the front burner. I see Curious made a post here and I thought maybe some of the newbies might want a shot at it. MSK
Friday, October 17, 2008
poop pond aka Frazier Lake
I want to here, learn, and understand whatever there is to know about this project. I have lived here for a few years and if I remember correctly or maybe I don't, this seems to me like I rememeber something about this project before it was started, that is was the group that was called Grant County Leadership or something like that. It was a group of people that changed each year. You paid to be part of it and I don't really remember what else. But, I think I remember them approaching City Council, Commissioners, or something about this project. Seems to me, that that it was not suppost to cost the tax payers much, as it was going to be grants that this organization would find. Okay, well, I don't remember all of it and maybe that is wrong.............what does anyone else rememeber. I would like to hear what others think or know about this project. Maybe we could research some old news papers or the min. from these past meetings to find out more.Here is a link that I found just now on the subject. comments?U.P.
Posted by Ulysses Paparazzi at Friday, October 17, 2008
brainy smurf said...
I definately would not call it a pristine fishery
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ulysses Paparazzi said...
how bout a poopstine fishery? I would not think I would eat anything I cought otu fo there. If its not safe to swim in is it safe to eat from................? UGH
Saturday, October 18, 2008
the_avenger said...
It is nice to have something out there though other than run down trails and kid's place to go and do things.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Patriot said...
I would like to hear what everyone knows about this pond? Keric Sullivan is pissed about it. I have other things about being over budget and funds for golf course being used on it. Brainy, You mean you wouldn't eat a fish from there? MSK
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
brainy smurf said...
No I don't think I will do any fishing there any time soon. Why is Keric upset about it?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
imjustcurious247 said...
Keric is pissed because he and his wife take their pack of dogs out to the trails just about every day. I understood that he doesn't want to loose that. I'm thinking, duh, now you can walk them around the lake. I believe he also had a "concern" about the wetlands...I was told that they are somehow being included in the lake project.With the way Ulysses is growing, the sewer ponds are filling up, and were going to have to build/dig more. A study was done and by recycling (you get what I'm saying) the sewer water and using it to not only water the golf course, but to also fill the lake it saves from having more ponds. At least this way, you can take the wife and kids out to the lake and throw a pole in...better than just having more ponds dug and using up precious farm least that is my take on it.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
poop pond aka Frazier Lake
I want to here, learn, and understand whatever there is to know about this project. I have lived here for a few years and if I remember correctly or maybe I don't, this seems to me like I rememeber something about this project before it was started, that is was the group that was called Grant County Leadership or something like that. It was a group of people that changed each year. You paid to be part of it and I don't really remember what else. But, I think I remember them approaching City Council, Commissioners, or something about this project. Seems to me, that that it was not suppost to cost the tax payers much, as it was going to be grants that this organization would find. Okay, well, I don't remember all of it and maybe that is wrong.............what does anyone else rememeber. I would like to hear what others think or know about this project. Maybe we could research some old news papers or the min. from these past meetings to find out more.Here is a link that I found just now on the subject. comments?U.P.
Posted by Ulysses Paparazzi at Friday, October 17, 2008
brainy smurf said...
I definately would not call it a pristine fishery
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ulysses Paparazzi said...
how bout a poopstine fishery? I would not think I would eat anything I cought otu fo there. If its not safe to swim in is it safe to eat from................? UGH
Saturday, October 18, 2008
the_avenger said...
It is nice to have something out there though other than run down trails and kid's place to go and do things.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Patriot said...
I would like to hear what everyone knows about this pond? Keric Sullivan is pissed about it. I have other things about being over budget and funds for golf course being used on it. Brainy, You mean you wouldn't eat a fish from there? MSK
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
brainy smurf said...
No I don't think I will do any fishing there any time soon. Why is Keric upset about it?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
imjustcurious247 said...
Keric is pissed because he and his wife take their pack of dogs out to the trails just about every day. I understood that he doesn't want to loose that. I'm thinking, duh, now you can walk them around the lake. I believe he also had a "concern" about the wetlands...I was told that they are somehow being included in the lake project.With the way Ulysses is growing, the sewer ponds are filling up, and were going to have to build/dig more. A study was done and by recycling (you get what I'm saying) the sewer water and using it to not only water the golf course, but to also fill the lake it saves from having more ponds. At least this way, you can take the wife and kids out to the lake and throw a pole in...better than just having more ponds dug and using up precious farm least that is my take on it.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Is anyone else tired of the tumbleweed problem in town? What are we supposed to do with them?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Alert - Floyd Murder Charges to be Dimissed
Here is a news release I received just minutes ago. MSK
After more than three years and two trials, prosecutors are dismissing murder charges against a western Kansas couple.
That's according to the couple's defense attorney, Dan Monnat.
In a statement released Friday, Monnat says the Attorney General's Office is expected to dismiss the charges on Monday.
"Chad and Shannon Floyd have waited more than three long years to be cleared of these accusations, and Monday's dismissal hearing can't come soon enough for them or their families. The Floyds are innocent, and they are anxious to put these trials behind them and move on with their lives," says Monnat.
Chad and Shannon Floyd were accused of killing Michael Golub in Johnson City in Stanton County. Authorities never found Golub's body.
Two trials have ended in a hung jury.
Eyewitness News is working to confirm the dismissal through the Attorney General's Office.
After more than three years and two trials, prosecutors are dismissing murder charges against a western Kansas couple.
That's according to the couple's defense attorney, Dan Monnat.
In a statement released Friday, Monnat says the Attorney General's Office is expected to dismiss the charges on Monday.
"Chad and Shannon Floyd have waited more than three long years to be cleared of these accusations, and Monday's dismissal hearing can't come soon enough for them or their families. The Floyds are innocent, and they are anxious to put these trials behind them and move on with their lives," says Monnat.
Chad and Shannon Floyd were accused of killing Michael Golub in Johnson City in Stanton County. Authorities never found Golub's body.
Two trials have ended in a hung jury.
Eyewitness News is working to confirm the dismissal through the Attorney General's Office.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
no right to violate
subject: Marvin Feezor -- incident: sexual battery date: nov. 7, 2008 -a customer went there to discuss payment arrangements for a bill. >she was then fondled on her breast and rear end and touched several times inappropriately.filed formal charges at the LEC. an officer then took down her notorized statement. she is coming forward so that it never happens to anyone else's loved one. she would like to remain anonymous but alot of people already know about this and it is all public record. so please ulysses, be careful.
Marvin Feezor Arrested on Warrant and Bonded out for $2500
I read in the paper and on the other blog that Mr Feezor has been up to no good and now he has been arrested. The cops and Judge must think there is something to the complaints. Anyone have any info on this. MSK
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Jennifer Longfellow had court today
There was a hearing for Jennifer today at 10:30 a.m.
According to my sources, she was charged with
Failure to yield the right of way
and involuntary manslaughter
She plead not guilty to both charges. Her attorney is Tate out of Hugoton. Trial by Judge not by jury, will be sometime in January.
According to my sources, she was charged with
Failure to yield the right of way
and involuntary manslaughter
She plead not guilty to both charges. Her attorney is Tate out of Hugoton. Trial by Judge not by jury, will be sometime in January.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Should the government bail out the auto makers or should they let them figure it out themselves? What does everyone think? Support your answers please.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
What do the Republicans do now?
Last Tuesday night was the beginning of a dark time for he United States but now is not the time for Republicans to curl up in the fetal position and cry like babies. That was last Tuesday. Now we have to stand strong and rebuild the party. We have to build the infrastructure in the Democrat states that can inspire votes and bring on new Republicans. We have to beat them at their own game. A game ,which by the way used to be our game. We have to donate time and money, if we have any left in four years, or we will have 8 years of Obama.
The Democrats idea of bi-partisanship is when the Republicans bend over, take it in the rear and then do it the liberal way. Now that they are in power in both houses and the White House we need to make sure we keep the few representatives we have left on the Hill headed in the right direction. The one bright spot was that Dems didn't get that 60 seat majority in the senate and Republicans can still block really left wing radical ideas from getting to Obama desk. The only way to make sure our representatives stay true to us is to call them and write them and let them hear our voices. This does work, take the Amnesty Bill and recently the Bail out bill. The Kansas boys voted the right way. Here is there contact info.
Brownback, Sam- (R - KS)
Class III
(202) 224-6521
Web Form:
Roberts, Pat- (R - KS)
Class II
(202) 224-4774
Web Form:
Jerry Moran
Washington, D.C. Office:2202 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515P: (202) 225-2715F: (202) 225-5124
I also believe that Obama is going to be hit with reality when he walks in the White House door and he is going to realize that he can not do all the things he wants to do. This will anger many on the left who think he is going to pay their mortage, fill up their gas tank, pay for their kids college and all ther health insurance. Those hypnotized liberal zombies are going to be wondering what happened to their Messiah. I recommend the movie the Omega Code. It is very much like what is happening. We have to suck it up and stand out ground. Familiarize yourselves with Republican and Democrat poliicies so you can intelligently argue you point and win over converts.
Good Luck, we will all need it.
The Democrats idea of bi-partisanship is when the Republicans bend over, take it in the rear and then do it the liberal way. Now that they are in power in both houses and the White House we need to make sure we keep the few representatives we have left on the Hill headed in the right direction. The one bright spot was that Dems didn't get that 60 seat majority in the senate and Republicans can still block really left wing radical ideas from getting to Obama desk. The only way to make sure our representatives stay true to us is to call them and write them and let them hear our voices. This does work, take the Amnesty Bill and recently the Bail out bill. The Kansas boys voted the right way. Here is there contact info.
Brownback, Sam- (R - KS)
Class III
(202) 224-6521
Web Form:
Roberts, Pat- (R - KS)
Class II
(202) 224-4774
Web Form:
Jerry Moran
Washington, D.C. Office:2202 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515P: (202) 225-2715F: (202) 225-5124
I also believe that Obama is going to be hit with reality when he walks in the White House door and he is going to realize that he can not do all the things he wants to do. This will anger many on the left who think he is going to pay their mortage, fill up their gas tank, pay for their kids college and all ther health insurance. Those hypnotized liberal zombies are going to be wondering what happened to their Messiah. I recommend the movie the Omega Code. It is very much like what is happening. We have to suck it up and stand out ground. Familiarize yourselves with Republican and Democrat poliicies so you can intelligently argue you point and win over converts.
Good Luck, we will all need it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Inside Edition
My husband and I were watching Inside Edition just now and saw the Secret Service code names for the Obamas. Now, is this wrong or is this wrong? I will not use his exact words as they are extrememly offensive. But, trust me, he is p*ssed and he didn't even vote for Obama.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
how bout that obama!!!
I had a good feeling this morning and it turned out right. I am completely relieved that obama won I cant wait for him to take office how about you?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Pet Cemetery
I brought this up on the other post a long time ago. Being an animal lover I always thought it would be nice to have place where you can take your dog or cat so that you can remember them. How would a person go about getting one started and setting rules to abide by? How much would you charge to bury an animal there?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Faith renewed in KS Senator
This election is the most critical I've experienced in my lifetime. For months, I've been a basket case, been upset, scared, angry at Obama, our congress, our treasury sec. and now I've added the American people who would rather watch a tv show instead of what is going on in the election. It seems Joe the plumber finally outwitted Obama. So why doesn't the rest of the people, not stand up and SHOUT NO to this socialist, moslem, anti-white, anti-American, anti-honesty, anti-God, anti-moral, anti-life, pres. candidate, the satanistic Obama. Weeks ago, I brought up the Ks Rep. web site and typed in my opinion, fears and anger at this strange election. Theres an under current that is evil going on in Obamas camp. I also mentioned the bail out. I copied it and pasted it over and over until I hit all of KS officials. (left out the satanistic Obama part) I figured no one would care.
Today, I was having a melt down over the evilness of whoever is behind getting Obama elected. Then I opened a letter I recd. from "Sen. Brownback" and it wasn't a generic one. Two pages of sincerity to my letter. The reason I know it was meant for me, is every word addressed most every comment that was tearing me up about this election. It touched me that he even replyed. Only I know what I wrote. Only this airhead could come up with the severity of my terror if Obama gets elected. I know an aide prob. wrote it but I got a reply. This amazed me. No-one could have wrote him about the bail out, what I did, because I had my own agenda that was passed to me, for getting our country out of so much debt and it would at least worked better than what the sec. of treasury did. He agreed with parts of my plan, he said the sec of treasury was a fine man with good intentions, but Kansans did not do much of the sub-prime morgage borrowing or lending yet we are being asked to pay for it, but he also said what he believed would also help our financial mess. He impressed me and was also honored he agreed with parts of my belief that would help. For him to tell me word by word about what I wrote is awesome. He said "do no harm" is part of the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take, and that politicians should also abide by these words as well.
So, Pray, people, pray. God is still in control. Joy
Today, I was having a melt down over the evilness of whoever is behind getting Obama elected. Then I opened a letter I recd. from "Sen. Brownback" and it wasn't a generic one. Two pages of sincerity to my letter. The reason I know it was meant for me, is every word addressed most every comment that was tearing me up about this election. It touched me that he even replyed. Only I know what I wrote. Only this airhead could come up with the severity of my terror if Obama gets elected. I know an aide prob. wrote it but I got a reply. This amazed me. No-one could have wrote him about the bail out, what I did, because I had my own agenda that was passed to me, for getting our country out of so much debt and it would at least worked better than what the sec. of treasury did. He agreed with parts of my plan, he said the sec of treasury was a fine man with good intentions, but Kansans did not do much of the sub-prime morgage borrowing or lending yet we are being asked to pay for it, but he also said what he believed would also help our financial mess. He impressed me and was also honored he agreed with parts of my belief that would help. For him to tell me word by word about what I wrote is awesome. He said "do no harm" is part of the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take, and that politicians should also abide by these words as well.
So, Pray, people, pray. God is still in control. Joy
Obama 30 Minute Infomercial
Well? Did anyone besides me watch this? It was well done but I don't think it will sway any undecided voters. Seems the poles are getting close. McCain has a small chance. Penn, Ohio, Florida and Virginia will decide. I hope those people make the right decision.
Has anyone heard about the video tape the L.A. Times is hiding? Obama, Ayers and a Palestinian terrorist. Obama has been marinating in a terrorist, socialist atmosphere all of his life and if he is elected he will show his true colors.
Mark my word if Obama is elected. He will pull out of Iraq too soon and the terrorist and Iranians will move in, he will over tax businesses and give welfare checks to 40% of Americans, launch a trillion dollars in new social programs and our economy will go in the toilet. He will gut our military and turn us into a whimp nation that can not defend itself.
We will be in trouble.
Has anyone heard about the video tape the L.A. Times is hiding? Obama, Ayers and a Palestinian terrorist. Obama has been marinating in a terrorist, socialist atmosphere all of his life and if he is elected he will show his true colors.
Mark my word if Obama is elected. He will pull out of Iraq too soon and the terrorist and Iranians will move in, he will over tax businesses and give welfare checks to 40% of Americans, launch a trillion dollars in new social programs and our economy will go in the toilet. He will gut our military and turn us into a whimp nation that can not defend itself.
We will be in trouble.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Trashy Town
I used to always think that this town was pretty clean and a good place to live. But after I went back around wichita and drove through some of the smaller towns, I have to say this place doesn't even start to compare. Our main street looks deserted, the spaces in between the buildings could be celaend up, maybe put small parks in them. You can drive around town and only a few sections of town look good with the way the neighborhood keeps things clean, but the rest of town looks like nobody cares. What does everyone else think?
Friday, October 24, 2008
A room for Joy and Brainy
Joy and Brain, I created this blog just for you. I love you both but I believe you need a place to yourselves:) Enjoy. MSK
Ulysses topix
I just got through wondering around the old "threads" and couldn't figure out why comments and posts weren't adding up or making sense. Then I noticed that a third of the posts were gone, yet what the person posted to wasn't that bad. Am I making any sense? Who has taken upon theirselves to take freedom of speech from the other topix? Its obviously obvious that some of the posts were just comments that someone just didn't agree with. I may be so very wrong, but the possi person started the topic and so many were deleted. I agree that you shouldn't post anything obscene or use TM's or Guerita's (she hasn't changed a bit) fowl language for any reason. Yet on another topic called I told you so, it was so obscene from the beginning and none were deleted. I'm so grateful to MSK for this blog so I can chat with all of you and be completely honest and know that this kind of actions won't happen. (unless I cause it by my own actions. I am kind of new to topix and what to call everything, so please forgive my mistakes.Joy
Article in Uly. News
Has everyone read the managing editors article in the Ulysses News about not being able to get a job unless bi-lingual? It's very eye opening esp for WE THE PEOPLE, that are needing a job in Ulysses. She is Spanish "only by marriage, yet was in an interview for a job opening AND met all the qualifications until that "last dreaded question": Do you speak Spanish? She didn't speak Spanish. Then they told her they didn't have a position at that time. She mentioned to please explain it to her that to become a U.S. citizen, you have to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in English, yet the business people cater to people who can't speak English. Is this what our country is coming to. Why do the candidates not bring the illegal problem up as an important issue of our country? After all, it is proved our deficit is caused by taking care of illegals: their food stamps, their medications, their doctor appts,their hospital stay, esp for having more babies, free food on main street and at the Mexican American Ministries. And the fact when they do come to the Methodist Church for free food, they are all driving brand new Svu's etc. Come check this fact out every Thursday. Even if your husband was hurt on the job, maybe you can't find a job as a wife, you have nothing coming in to support your family, you still can't qualify for SRS help. They won't even help a white mother with children that the dad walked out on unless you aren't white. What is going on in America. Is this what our forfathers faught for at Valley Forge. Go to Philadelphia and see the Liberty Bell and how many police are guarding it, or the Constitution Center. I was so proud when I visited all of these places to call myself an American. I'm so sad for my country and esp for the politicians that are ruining our rights. This a.m. our stock market plunged again. Why? Ask your congressmen, I did and I will continue until the election to bug them and be a thorn in their sides. It was brought to my attention today, that a friend called CBN about them covering Obama's visit to Hawaii to see his sick Grandmother and "they didn't have a clue what she was talking about." !!!Is she really sick or is it another of his gimics he has a sack full of. Am I the only person that is sick or should I say ashamed, over what our great country has became?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
double murder

Authorities released a sketch Thursday of a person they believe may have information about the murders of two people in Ulysses, Kansas.
Marcos and Holda Garcia were found dead in a trailer home on the west edge of Ulysses in the early morning of August 30.
if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']) document.write('');if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']){ document.write(plpm['Mid-Story Ad']);} else { if(self['plurp'] && plurp['97']){} else {document.write(''); } }if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']) document.write('');
The Grant County Sheriff's Office and Kansas Bureau of Investigation would like to speak with anyone who has information about the crime or who was in the area between 5 pm Friday, August 29th and the early morning hours on Saturday, August 30th. They also released a sketch of an Hispanic male who they're calling a person of interest.
Anyone with information should contact law enforcement at 1(800) KS-CRIME.
Marcos and Holda Garcia were found dead in a trailer home on the west edge of Ulysses in the early morning of August 30.
if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']) document.write('');if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']){ document.write(plpm['Mid-Story Ad']);} else { if(self['plurp'] && plurp['97']){} else {document.write(''); } }if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']) document.write('');
The Grant County Sheriff's Office and Kansas Bureau of Investigation would like to speak with anyone who has information about the crime or who was in the area between 5 pm Friday, August 29th and the early morning hours on Saturday, August 30th. They also released a sketch of an Hispanic male who they're calling a person of interest.
Anyone with information should contact law enforcement at 1(800) KS-CRIME.
Friday, October 17, 2008
economic development board
I see that they are looking to fill a position in the board, I am not sure the names they mentioned in the paper would be good ones or not. I think we need someone in there that can help bring businesses to town, they need to spend the $600,000 they have in their account or they need to give some of it back the city or county, wherever it came from. They have it to spend why don't we see them using any of it to bring businesses to town?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Ethanol Plant Money Pit
Ok, here is a question.
A. A million dollar mud hole?
B. The Grant County Prairie Rehabilitation Project?
C. Waterfowl Refuge?
D. NexSun Ethanol Plant?
Post you answers below.
Now Seriously, I have heard this plant is on hold and may not ever be finished. Grain and fuel prices have made it no longer a profitable venture.
Anyone else know anything?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Something New for You

Here is some info about Ulysses that some of you may or may not know. its your turn to post something for the rest of us to learn.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
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