Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Marvin Court Date April 22nd 2009

I received info that Marvin's court date is April 22, 2009. I also heard that 2 more women have gone to Law Enforcement with sexul battery complaints on him, one as recently as a week ago. Humbleweed, You know anything. MSK


  1. yes, court date is finally set for 4/22 -almost six months after the incident. it will be a jury trial so i am curious as to who they will select as his peers.....as far as the new info on more peopel coming forward, i will let you know more as soon as i find out. at this point i have been told, he "pinned" a woman up in a corner in the store. please be careful everyone. thanks

  2. Humbleweed, did you get a better attorny??? Joy

  3. Wished I could have been there to support you. Wished all of us could hae been with you to support you. Joy
